Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Beautiful Colors of Lobster Fishing

The world of lobster fishing is replete with beautiful colors.  Dramatic coastal sunrises, harbors full of bobbing lobster boats and multi-colored buoys often get the most attention from tourist's cameras.  I was inspired to post this collection of photos to show the beauty that can be found just by wandering down onto a Maine lobster wharf.  Enjoy!

Maine Lobster fishing wharf
Cutler Fishing Wharf. Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.


Maine lobster buoy shed
Lobster Buoy Shed. Photo courtesy of Jayson Maker.

Stacked Maine lobster traps
Maine Lobster Traps.  Photo courtesy of Jayson Maker.

Maine lobster crates
Maine Lobster Crates.  Photo Courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

Maine lobster fishing bait
 Lobster Bait. Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

Lobster boat fuel pump
Fuel Tank on a Wharf.  Photo Courtesy of Chad Hangen.

Lobster Fishing Oil Skins
Lobster Fishing Oil Skins.  Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

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