Tuesday 13 May 2014

Lobster Flavored Potato Chips?

Lobster Flavored Potato Chips
Lobster-flavored potato chips? Yes please.

This morning, I stumbled across an image of a potential new Lay's potato chip flavor - Maine Lobster in Butter.  I'm pretty sure this flavor has been submitted as part of the "Lays Do Us A Flavor" campaign.  I certainly hope this concept captures the vote.

While some Americans might think lobster-flavored potato chips are weird, I think they would work brilliantly.  As a Mainer from a family of lobster fishermen, I was raised eating Lay's potato chips alongside lobster.  Lobster picnics weren't complete without Lay's and I sometimes stuffed my lobster roll with a few Lay's chips to give it an extra crunch.  A lobster-flavored potato chip is an obvious and natural progression. 

In England, where I currently live, chips (known to the English as crisps) come in all sorts of weird and wonderful flavors. You can get chicken-flavored chips, roast ox-flavored chips, prawn cocktail chips, oyster and vinegar chips and, you guessed it, lobster-flavored chips.  I have tried the Burts Firecracker Lobster chips and they tasted pretty good.  As I mentioned in a previous blog post, they are made with 'lobster powder' which I assume is some sort of lobster reduction/stock with powdered lobster shells. I would love to see more 'lobster-flavored' food concepts on supermarket shelves and suspect there will be over the next few years due to the abundance of Maine lobster being brought to the market and the drive to expand lobster processing within the state. I look forward to sampling new Maine lobster-flavored items as they make their debut.

Firecracker lobster chips burts
Firecracker lobster chips. Photo from BBC.

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