Thursday 15 May 2014

The Stunning Sunrises of Downeast Maine

One of the benefits of living in Downeast Maine is being able to behold some of the most beautiful sunrises in America.  My home town of Cutler is just a 30 minute drive from the easternmost point in the United States, so the morning sun greets Cutler citizens a little bit earlier than most Americans. And most Cutlerites are are up to welcome the sun when it comes.  Lobster fishermen usually leave dock at or before sunrise so they are able to enjoy the striking beauty of those first golden rays creeping up over the horizon and dancing across the water.   This series of photos, from my friend Billy Kitchen, who spent a year living at the Lighthouse on Little River Island, capture the beauty of Downeast sunrises that I remember so clearly from the years I spent working as a sternman on my father's boat.  Enjoy.

Downeast Cutler Maine Sunrise
Cutler sunrise. Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

Sunrise Little River Lighthouse
Cutler sunrise.  Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

Lobster Fishing Boat Sunrise
Cutler sunrise from a lobster boat.  Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

Maine lobster boat sunrise
Lobster fishing sunrise. Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

Cutler Harbor Sunrise Maine
Cutler Maine sunrise.  Photo courtesy of Billy Kitchen.

For more about the town of Cutler, click here.

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