Friday 19 December 2008

Eat More Lobster, Show Wall Street How to Save Businesses

I was so pleased this morning to seen the article by Steve Ettlinger in the Huffington Post encouraging folks to go out and buy lobster to support Maine fishermen. The article did a brilliant job of highlighting key facts such as - hamburger and chicken is more expensive, on a per-pound basis, than lobster at the moment and that the rising cost of fuel and bait coupled with the severely dropping price of lobster have created a perfect storm...that threatens Maine's unique culture.

What I loved most about the article (made my heart swell) was how Steve highlighted the rugged spirit of Mainers and their determination to get through this crisis without help from the government. As he says:

The Maine Lobstermen's Association finds that there is almost total rejection (from the fishermen) of any solution that involves bailouts. It's great to see the Maine tradition of communities acting independently to try to solve problems on their own, including holding major lobster bakes to consume 10,000 lobsters just this fall. Considering that lobster is basically an export product, that's pretty remarkable.

This so captures the spirit of the communities of Maine. If only the banks and automobile manufacturers could conduct themselves with such humble integrity (rather than flying to Washington in private jets for a government handout).

Finally, the article made an excellent point that lobster is as natural and good for you as a food can get. I'll close with Steve's words as I couldn't say it better myself...

So if you want one of the world's best foods, one that is totally and completely unprocessed (I mean, what could be less processed? It is sold LIVE!), and to help save an irreplaceable culture and economy, then go out a buy a lobster now. Even in New York City it can be found for $7.95 a pound, which is a common serving size. That more than I pay for a gourmet sandwich. Save a job and a culture, eat a lobster.


  1. Thanks for the great comments and review!

    Steve Ettlinger (author)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
